It's the little things...

LTjake on 2004-01-30T14:19:42

...that bite you in the ass.

First, I had to throttle back on the cpan-smoking. I had limited it to 10 packages per hour, but even that was killing my system (750 MHz Athlon running Trustix 2.0). So it's at 1 package/hr for now. For some reason it doesn't seem to be sending a report for every tested package -- I haven't attempted to debug that yet.

Also, another ASP gripe is with its if statement handling. Take the following example code:

if not rs.eof and rs( "field" ) <> "value" then
    response.write ","
end if

Where rs is a recordset object.

This code will ALWAYS cause an exception to occur because when a recordset reaches "EOF" you cannot retrieve any values from it. Thus it has to be written as:

if not rs.eof then
    if rs( "field" ) <> "value" then
        response.write ","
    end if
end if


And the VB guys don't care

jtillman on 2004-01-30T20:12:42

Yeah, I hit that crappy VBScript/VB bug back in 97. I happened to be at MS's TechEd in 2000 and had the dubious honor of being able to ask questions of the VB dev team. I asked them about this stupidity and why they didn't do something about it. Their response was that they didn't want to mess up existing code.

I asked, well then, why didn't you just add a compiler directive for people who'd like to have a programming language that did what a logical mind would expect -- like the pcode/native code compilation option? They declined to respond to that one.

Little did I know that they were about to announce .NET, in which in typical MS fashion they would toss VB in the trash in favor of the new technology du jour. They didn't answer because they didn't care.
