...that bite you in the ass.
First, I had to throttle back on the cpan-smoking. I had limited it to 10 packages per hour, but even that was killing my system (750 MHz Athlon running Trustix 2.0). So it's at 1 package/hr for now. For some reason it doesn't seem to be sending a report for every tested package -- I haven't attempted to debug that yet.
Also, another ASP gripe is with its if statement handling. Take the following example code:
if not rs.eof and rs( "field" ) <> "value" then
response.write ","
end if
Where rs
is a recordset object.
This code will ALWAYS cause an exception to occur because when a recordset reaches "EOF" you cannot retrieve any values from it. Thus it has to be written as:
if not rs.eof then
if rs( "field" ) <> "value" then
response.write ","
end if
end if