A case of code and content mixing...

LTjake on 2003-06-17T19:56:52

After reading Zeldman's post regarding the W3C validator, I decided to check out the validator's source.


A quick glance shows WAY too much HTML mixed in with perl -- even some XML! Sucking some of that content out via the templating package du jour would be an improvement. Besides, the file is 3000+ lines long, perhaps some refactoring is in order? =D

However - it works! ...and that's always nice.


Dom2 on 2003-06-17T22:21:38

Funny you should mention this; I've just spent the last couple of hours looking at the RSS Validator source code. It's in Python, but it's a lovely piece of code. It shows how to use SAX in an interesting fashion.

It also helps that there's an article covering the implementation details. It would have helped me more if I'd have realised that it was there...
