OpenGuides hackfest.

Kake on 2007-06-10T23:47:08

Hello. Long time, no write. (I'm mostly writing on LiveJournal these days[0][1].)

[0] Mostly friends-only, so get an account or an OpenID, and poke me, and I'll add you.
[1] ObTwitter

We had an OpenGuides hackfest at our house this weekend, focusing on clearing out all the cruft in our Trac bugreps. You know how some bugreps just sit and fester? Well, we got fed up of having festering bugreps, so we got a pile of OpenGuides hackers (old and new) together in our living room, talked each rep through, assigned them to various people, and started hacking. Commits happened, bugs got closed, and new people got familiar with the codebase. It feels like a fresh start.

The weekend went so well[2] that we plan to try and fit another one in between now and the hackathon that will be happening at YAPC::Europe in Vienna in August.

[2] The only thing I regret is the fact that the meatballs I made as part of the buffet lunch on Saturday were a bit dry. I think I'll add some lemon juice and vegetable stock next time.

One of the best things about it was that new people came along and got stuck in: Andrew, Anne, Ilmari, and Pedro. Hurrah to all of you, and of course hurrah also to the usual suspects, Bob, Dom, and Ivor.

P.S. If you read this, do say hello.