Class attributes and many fixes

JonathanWorthington on 2008-07-26T21:59:15

I took Friday off this week, so that I could work Saturday on Rakudo, matching up my Rakudo day with the post-OSCON Parrot/Rakudo hackathon. I started off the day by going through the Rakudo RT queue and trying to resolve some of the tickets in there. Rather than doing any big new thing today, I instead went to the RT queue for Rakudo and addressed some of the tickets in there, to resolve a range of bugs that people had reported.

  • Applied patch from Carl Masak that avoids a NULL PMC Exception if the return value of sleep was evaluated.
  • You can now (as per the spec) write just "multi foo { }" rather than "multi sub foo" to introduce a multi-sub.
  • Writing "multi sub foo { }" (note there is no signature) now works the same as "multi sub foo() { }" rather than giving a Null PMC access.
  • Fixed a bug in Parrot that caused an assertion failure when trying to write to a closed file-handle; now it throws an exception, so we can implement the correct Perl 6 semantics in Rakudo.
  • Trying to inherit from a non-existent class now gives a meaningful error message, rather than a rather less informative null PMC access exception.
  • Fixed a bug in PCT which could cause an exception to get lost in the return_pir control handler. This allowed at least one ticket to be closed out, and will likely help people working on other compilers written in NQP too.

I then turned to another ticket with a bigger task: getting class attributes to work. While there will be more bits to do on this, the basics are working. Here's what I've just put into the regression tests.

class Foo {
    my $.x is rw;
my $x =;
$x.x = 42;
is($x.x, 42, "class attribute accessors work");
my $y =;
is($y.x, 42, "class attributes shared by all instances");

So essentially, you're introducing a lexically scoped variable and getting an accessor method generated for it.

During the day, I've also had various chats about other little bits of Perl 6 stuff on IRC, and been re-reading bits of the spec as food for thought on implementing some more bits in the future. So, that's this week's Rakudo day. Thanks as usual goes to for funding!