Yet another go addict

IlyaM on 2003-12-01T15:30:18

If you never played go do not click this link, you still can be saved from this drug :)

Just hacked this simple script to poll for my turns to move on To my taste the script is a bit ugly but it works.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $go = DragonGoServer->new;


while(1) {
    sleep 480;

package DragonGoServer;

use base qw(WWW::Mechanize);

sub redirect_ok { 1 }

sub login {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($login, $password) = @_;

    $self->submit_form(form_name => 'loginform',
                       fields    => { userid => $login,
                                      passwd => $password });

sub read_status {
    my $self = shift;


    if($self->content =~ /Your turn to move in the following games/) {
        print "Your turn to move in the following games:\n";

        my $re = qr!game\.php\?gid= (\d+)
                    userinfo\.php\?uid=\d+ .*?  (.*?) 

        my $content = $self->content;

        while($content =~ /\G[\s\S]*?$re/g) {
            print "Game #$1, player '$2'\n";

        print "\n"