Google Alert

IlyaM on 2003-10-31T13:59:37

Interesting service.


educated_foo on 2003-11-01T06:51:53

perl -w -MNet::Google::Search -le '$x=Net::Google::Search->new({key=>shift});$x->query(@ARGV);print "<a href=\"${\$_->URL}\">${\$_->title}</a>" for @{$x->results}' `head -1 ~/.google-keys` foo bar

And that's a "service"?



IlyaM on 2003-11-03T09:12:58

You missed the point - google alert stores results of old searches and notifies you if any new hits came up. And .. of course you can reimplement it with Net::Google::Search. But why if google alert works good enough for me? :)