My wife gave me the coolest present for my birthday - an expresso machine. Natasha, if you are reading this, thank you again :)
Update: Fix s/made present/gave present/. Thanks to jdavidboyd and phillup for free English lesson :)
IlyaM on 2003-09-19T18:52:38
This is exactly when I hate English - I don't know it good enough to tell if I said something stupid and everybody will make fun of me or maybe it just you trying to make bad joke:) change...
phillup on 2003-09-19T20:46:08
'made' to 'gave me'
unless... she really did manufacture the device with her own hands!
Which would be pretty damn cool.Re:change...
IlyaM on 2003-09-20T08:10:17
Thanks for correction. In Russian we do say 'make me a present' and it usually means 'gave me a present'.Re:Wow...
jdavidboyd on 2003-09-22T13:42:35
No sarcasm at all. And no bad joke!
I really do think it is cool that your wife is a machinist and a glass blower. Mine is an electrical engineer and a web master. I met her in college when we were both getting our BSEEs.
And, on a related note, anyone crass enough to pick on someone's mastery of a foreign language is a jerk.