Just got this idea - it would be quite neat if RT ticket watchers could recieve reply/comment notifications via Jabber (or via other IMs probably though it is less interesting for me as we standardize on Jabber at work).
I like it
I've been tossing around an idea of how to use Jabber for something similar. However, your idea sounds much better. However, we don't use Jabber nor RT here at work (all though we are evaluating RT).
I think this is doable...
phillup on 2003-09-04T19:36:05
Going from memory, so appropriate warnings enabled...
Last time I set up RT (~2.09 I think), I had to use a program (I think it was called "stripmime") that would pipe the email body to RT...
This program (stripmime) was written in Perl... so, it seems that you would be able to hook in any functionality you wanted right at that point.
I had modified the program to append the emails to a log file (that got rotated daily) in addition to sending the emails as it normally does, because we had a very flaky email server that emails were coming/going from in the organization.
It seems you could basically have it do anything at that point in the email handling process...
Re:I think this is doable...
IlyaM on 2003-09-04T20:13:19
I'm not sure it is the best approach. Normally you should implement custom notifications via Scrips (plugin modules for RT). Actually even standart notifications are implemented with Scrips. At least it is so 2.x - I didn't play with 3.x yet.
Re:I think this is doable...
jesse on 2003-09-08T04:22:20
Stripmime was last necessary for RT 1.0.x.
But yeah, scrips are the right answer. I've had an RT scrip that sends me zephyrs on incoming mial