I've just wrote a quite short benchmark to compare perfomance of Alzabo vs Class::DBI vs row DBI. DBI is just for reference here as it doesn't provide all functionallity which is provided by Alzabo or by Class::DBI so it is hardly can be qualified as a replacement. I'm mainly interested in speed of selects as updates and inserts are seldom bottlneck in web applications. Versions used in tests: DBI and Class::DBI - latest from CPAN, Alzabo - current CVS (which should be way faster then last stable). Results first:
Benchmark: timing 9000 iterations of simple_alzabo, simple_class_dbi, simple_dbi... simple_alzabo: 4 wallclock secs ( 3.61 usr + 0.05 sys = 3.66 CPU) @ 2459.02/s (n=9000) simple_class_dbi: 14 wallclock secs (10.28 usr + 0.41 sys = 10.69 CPU) @ 841.91/s (n=9000) simple_dbi: 5 wallclock secs ( 2.93 usr + 0.29 sys = 3.22 CPU) @ 2795.03/s (n=9000)And benchmark code:
Benchmark: timing 1000 iterations of all_alzabo, all_class_dbi, all_dbi... all_alzabo: 26 wallclock secs (24.66 usr + 0.37 sys = 25.03 CPU) @ 39.95/s (n=1000) all_class_dbi: 21 wallclock secs (19.29 usr + 0.35 sys = 19.64 CPU) @ 50.92/s (n=1000) all_dbi: 6 wallclock secs ( 5.14 usr + 0.25 sys = 5.39 CPU) @ 185.53/s (n=1000)
Benchmark: timing 3000 iterations of where_alzabo, where_class_dbi, where_dbi... where_alzabo: 9 wallclock secs ( 7.27 usr + 0.22 sys = 7.49 CPU) @ 400.53/s (n=3000) where_class_dbi: 9 wallclock secs ( 7.66 usr + 0.16 sys = 7.82 CPU) @ 383.63/s (n=3000) where_dbi: 5 wallclock secs ( 2.77 usr + 0.17 sys = 2.94 CPU) @ 1020.41/s (n=3000)
use Alzabo::Config;I'm going to verify this benchmark, maybe add more tests, draw some conclusions and repost it on perlmonks.
{ use Alzabo::Create::Schema;
my $schema = Alzabo::Create::Schema->new(name => 'bench', rdbms => 'MySQL'); $schema->drop; my $table = $schema->make_table(name => 'profile'); $table->make_column(name => 'id', type => 'INT', primary_key => 1); $table->make_column(name => 'login', type => 'VARCHAR', length => '80'); $table->make_column(name => 'password', type => 'VARCHAR', length => '80'); $table->make_column(name => 'email', type => 'VARCHAR', length => '80');
$schema->create; $schema->save_to_file; }
use Alzabo::Runtime::UniqueRowCache;
my $ALZABO_SCHEMA; { require Alzabo::MethodMaker; Alzabo::MethodMaker->import(class_root => 'Test::Alzabo', schema => 'bench', all => 1);
$ALZABO_SCHEMA = Test::Alzabo::Schema->load_from_file(name => 'bench'); $ALZABO_SCHEMA->set_user('ilya'); $ALZABO_SCHEMA->password(''); $ALZABO_SCHEMA->connect; $ALZABO_SCHEMA->prefetch_all_but_blobs; }
{ package Test::ClassDBI;
use base 'Class::DBI';
__PACKAGE__->set_db('Main', 'dbi:mysql:bench', $ALZABO_SCHEMA->user, $ALZABO_SCHEMA->password); }
{ package Test::ClassDBI::Profile;
use base 'Test::ClassDBI';
__PACKAGE__->table('profile'); __PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/id/); __PACKAGE__->columns(Essential => qw/login password email/); }
my $DBH = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:bench', $ALZABO_SCHEMA->user, $ALZABO_SCHEMA->password, { RaiseError => 1 });
{ $DBH->do('DELETE FROM profile'); my $sth = $DBH->prepare('INSERT profile (id, login, password, email) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'); for my $i (0 .. 100) { $sth->execute($i, "user$i", "pass$i", "test$i\@test$i.com"); } }
use Benchmark;
timethese(9000, { simple_alzabo => \&simple_alzabo_test, simple_class_dbi => \&simple_class_dbi_test, simple_dbi => \&simple_dbi_test });
print "\n";
timethese(1000, { all_alzabo => \&all_alzabo_test, all_class_dbi => \&all_class_dbi_test, all_dbi => \&all_dbi_test });
print "\n";
timethese(3000, { where_alzabo => \&where_alzabo_test, where_class_dbi => \&where_class_dbi_test, where_dbi => \&where_dbi_test });
sub simple_alzabo_test { my $profile = $ALZABO_SCHEMA->profile->row_by_pk(pk => 1); my $out = join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); }
sub simple_class_dbi_test { my $profile = Test::ClassDBI::Profile->retrieve(1); my $out = join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); }
sub simple_dbi_test { my $profile = $DBH->selectrow_hashref('SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = ?', undef, 1); my $out = join '', map $profile->{$_}, qw(id login password email); }
sub all_alzabo_test { my @profile = $ALZABO_SCHEMA->profile->all_rows->all_rows; my $out; for my $profile (@profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); } }
sub all_class_dbi_test { my @profiles = Test::ClassDBI::Profile->retrieve_all; my $out; for my $profile (@profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); } }
sub all_dbi_test { my $profiles = $DBH->selectall_arrayref('SELECT * FROM profile', { Slice => {}}); my $out; for my $profile (@$profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->{$_}, qw(id login password email); } }
sub where_alzabo_test { my $t_profile = $ALZABO_SCHEMA->profile; my $where = [ [ $t_profile->id, '<', 10 ], [ $t_profile->id, '>', 20 ] ]; my @profile = $t_profile->rows_where(where => $where)->all_rows; my $out; for my $profile (@profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); } }
sub where_class_dbi_test { my @profiles = Test::ClassDBI::Profile->retrieve_from_sql('WHERE id > ? AND id < ?', 10, 20); my $out; for my $profile (@profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->$_, qw(id login password email); } }
sub where_dbi_test { my $profiles = $DBH->selectall_arrayref('SELECT * FROM profile ' . 'WHERE id > ? AND id < ?', { Slice => {}}, 10, 20); my $out; for my $profile (@$profiles) { $out .= join '', map $profile->{$_}, qw(id login password email); } }