Stunnix Perl-Obfus is written by Russian(s)?

IlyaM on 2003-06-20T10:30:26

If you don't know what is Stunnix Perl-Obfus here a background for the story.

I googled for Stunnix and came up with a theory that it has Russian origin. Why?

  1. Text on Stunnix website doesn't look like written by native English speaker. I'd even suggest that it is written by Russian (or Ukrain or similar language) native speaker - there is certain style how we write in English which differs noticably from the style of English written by say Japanese or Indian people.
  2. Majority of google hits lead on various English sites and all other non-English sites are Russian (,
  3. Guy (Vlad Harchev) who owns web site and advocates Stunnix Perl-Obfus (see previous link on his article about this tool) in the past were testing "source code transformation tool". Could it be he is an author of Stunnix Perl-Obfus?
Ok, enough wasting time on silly theories. Back to work ;)