
GAVollink on 2007-03-23T14:46:33

It's Spring. Time to wake up (fine it's been more than a year)...

It's been a long time, but I'm finally trying to catch up here again.

I was actually starting to get /involved/ once, and then something wonderful and horrible happened. I got a full time job doing... Perl.

I'm going to try to come back online, and make a presence again. We'll see how that goes.

He, he, he

Ron Savage on 2007-03-24T00:49:08

Here in the real world, it's Autumn.

Re:He, he, he

GAVollink on 2007-03-25T03:21:18

Real? Describe real? If you are talking of the world where The Matrix was filmed... nuff said.


If you are talking of some other place, then I must fully agree, that I'm merely past yet another equinox.

In any case, thanks for noticing me.