XML::Handler::AxPoint for Windows

FoolontheHill on 2002-12-17T11:33:15

I came into work this morning with my very postive hat on. I decided that instead of using Powerpoint to write some UNIX tools training slides that I have been asked to write. I would try and embrass the funky sounding XML::Handler::AxPoint perl module. This only catch was that I was going to try to get it working on Windows.

Oh dear. After downloading all the prereqs I naively thought my job was done but I found that I could not get Text::Iconv to compile in Cygwin or in native Windows. Nobody else in the world seems to have this problem and indeed nobody else seems to have tried this on a Windows machine. Maybe I will try on a Linux server later but I probably ought to write the presentation first....

Did you ever get it to work?

Limbic Region on 2004-10-13T15:18:33

I suspect the problem with Text::Iconv was having the iconv libraries installed - I got beyond that point. My problem now is that PDFLib requires pdflib_pl.pm which bootstrams a library when you compile pdflib lite. The problem is it only builds statically on Cygwin and bootstrap wants a .dll

Anyways - if you have any insights they would be most appreciated (yes, I realize how old this post is)
