When JAPHs Attack.

Elthek on 2002-05-23T14:08:30

I posted this to london.pm yesterday:

chris@lexis:~$ perl -le'@a=($^O eq 'darwin')?qw(100453 81289 9159):qw (23152 19246 2040);while(<>){chomp;push @b,$_ if grep {$.==$_}@a}push @b,$^X;print ucfirst join(" ",@b[2,0,3,1]).","'</usr/share/dict/words It seems to be even less portable than I'd thought; it works on OS X and all versions of Redhat and Mandrake that I can find, but.. nothing else.

Oops. Next up, ripping the text straight from perlfaq1.. ;-)

Justly Anselmo perl hag,

robin on 2002-05-23T15:08:57

An improvement on the traditional JAPH, I think.