Things are moving along

Elian on 2001-10-15T17:43:23

Well, I was going to make sure I noted the progress of the Parrot Project, but I've been rather lax about that. So, here's a quick update.

  1. 0.02 is released. Does integer, string, and numeric operations, and is generally rather nifty, if limited.
  2. Simon's working on variable support. We should have them soon
  3. Subroutine calls (at the lowest level, at least) are working
  4. Multiple interpreter support should be in very soon, perhaps within the next day or so
  5. Multiplesimultaneous interpreters should be in soon after that. Yay, threads.
  6. We should be able to get some system info soon
  7. I/O ops, at least in their most basic forms, should be next on the list
I'm really pretty happy with how things are going so far, though I know some of the design decisions I've made aren't quite to some folk's liking. That's OK. :)

If anyone's got a good, licensable-for-parrot, bigint/bifgloat library, I'd be rather thrilled...