One side effect of the grant ending and me looking for work is that I'm now officially a TPF civilian. (Woohoo!) So, for all your YAS or TPF needs, skate over to the new and revamped Perl Foundation website for contact info. (Or send mail to that famous New Zealand film maker, Nathan Torkingtino. Just remember, they don't call him "Big Mac" in France)
ask on 2002-08-03T11:54:41
Larger forces at work! I just watched pulp fiction for the first time in umpteen years.
(We went to see "Signs"; we got tickets outside in the automated thing eventhough it was sold out according to the people inside (hours before the show). When we got inside (~30 minutes before the show) it was REALLY crowded and just about every seat was taken so we left again.).
Gaah! In denmark the movie theaters have fixed seating which is really practical when the show is sold out. Buy your ticket in good time and you'll get a good seat. And in any case you'll know what you'll get when you buy.)