use Python;

Elian on 2001-08-01T12:03:43

Well, more or less.

I've been sort of on the python-dev mailing list for the past day or so. Ever since Simon's April Fools joke this year, we've been batting around the idea of perl 6's back end handling python code as well as it handles perl code. We made some noise about this at TPC this year, and caught Eric Raymond's attention. (And yes, metadata in documentation is still crap...:-P)

On monday of this week, Eric broached the topic on the python-dev list, and we've been going on from there. It's been a little awkward, as there have been some coordination issues that kept me from getting involved from the beginning of the discussion, and the standard post-conference work pileup's been keeping me from getting some of the core documentation done to a state comprehensible by other people, so details for the Python folks have been sketchier than I'd like.

Still and all, the dev list has been gracious and unfailingly pleasant, and more helpful than I've had any right to expect. (I am, alas, not well versed in python generally, which has made the conversation a bit rocky in spots. Simon's still on his US walkabout as well, so the timing's been less than stellar) Even if we don't work out a unified interpreter because of this, I think it'll help add a bit more flexibility to perl 6. And that's always a good thing.