Leon Brocard posted this to perl6-internals and after a conversation with Hugo, it got me thinking. Parrot allows you to load up opcode libraries on demand, and does lexically scoped opcode libraries. What if we...
And if we can do it for the JVM, why not .NET?
Re:Oh boy
Elian on 2002-05-02T05:11:02
But is it bad? That's the big question...Re:Oh boy
htoug on 2002-05-02T06:54:28
I like the idea! Does that make me sick or bad??
Elian on 2002-05-02T13:46:04
The problem is less likely the GUI ops, as there aren't any (it's all method calls on library code), as stuff like exception schemes and external interfaces.
I'd be happy if just the pure java library code stuff worked. I'm planning on being thrilled if the rest does.:) Re:Wow.
acme on 2002-05-04T19:48:10
FWIW, we'll be able to do most of the ops quite easily - the JVM is mostly quite low level (not GUI level at all). The main problem is converting the whole API as well. There has been some work on the GNU Classpath project, which might be useful, but yes, the last 20% will be quite tricky;-)