Clean your room!

Elian on 2002-03-06T00:41:13

Parrot now has a working basic garbage collection and dead object detection system. Yay!

Fantastic work!

Matts on 2002-03-06T07:27:41

What's left to do on the GC then? (since you said "basic")

Re:Fantastic work!

Elian on 2002-03-06T15:07:29

We don't call custom DESTROY methods if there are any (and there will be for quite a few things), and we don't call custom GC or mark-for-DOD routines, so if your PMC class has pointers to things in places Parrot can't get to by default they won't be copied properly or marked as used, respectively.

There's also an issue of when DESTROY can be called--since it's probably going to be perl code, we may not be able to just call it anywhere we want, since the interpreter may potentially be in an inconisistent state. (Right now any failure to find an internal structure we want can trigger a DOD sweep)