I have finally, finally finished my tutorial handout for TPC 5.0 and sent it off to Vee. Which is good, because it means that Nat won't have to do Vile and Evil things to me for missing the drop-dead deadline. Of course, now I've got a few weeks to get the Perl 6 Internals talk done. (What, me, make a deadline? Perish the thought! :)
At the moment I'm both pondering the vagaries of human language systems and cursing my lack of fluency in anything other than english. The Asian languages, specifically, have been giving me fits lately, since pretty much Everything I Know Is Wrong. Or at least only partially applicable, and it's damn hard trying to work out some sort of overarching framework when you don't have anything but a fuzzy idea of the problem. (And here I thought Unicode was a good superset solution. Ha! I wish)
Of course, there's always the question "How much do we support" since we might well not be able to support it all. That's not a question I'm all that fond of, but I'd much rather explicitly answer it than look back in six months and see what sort of corner we painted ourselves into. (For the record, I like the answer "All of it" but I don't know that we're clever enough to work that one out)