Stuff and more stuff

Elian on 2001-05-06T19:38:39

Well, I'm finally getting around to putting one of these things together. It'd be done earlier, except the current Mozilla daily snap seems to hate logging into Slash sites, and has for the past few weeks. Why? I don't know. Presumably because all software sucks. (I actually had to dig out Netscape 4.7something for this, as I can't remember the trick to putting the login info into the URL. Yech)

Anyway, it's about time this goes up.

Stuff in progress

  • Perl 6 GC docs. Current working copy at my perl PDD working directory. The pod is current, the HTML is generated whenever I think of it, or need to edit what's already been written. (I find reading POD more difficult than reading the formatted output)
  • Thread talk for TPC5.0. Much as folks might hate to admit it, it is possible to do safe thread programming in perl. It's not as snappy as it might be because of some internal issues, but it works.
  • Perl 6 internals talk for TPC5.0. This is going to be reasonably interesting, given that there aren't any internals yet. Luckily we have design docs and the talk is short. :)

The list of outstanding PDDs is also at a reasonable size. We have:

  • vtable PDD in the hands of Simon Cozens
  • Async I/O PDD in Uri Guttman's hands
  • Debugger interface PDD is being handled by Dave Storrs
  • Uncode PDD being handled by Soyoung Park

I've got the GC and bytecode format PDDs. There's plenty of stuff left for people, so if there's a piece of the internals design you want to carve out and make your own, do please drop me a line. (I'm on hold for a bit until I get my talks finished and formatted)