RAM is good!

Elian on 2001-11-21T18:41:58

So, yesterday I got disgusted with trying to run OS X in half the memory it's supposed to run in. (Certainly can't fault it for being sluggish in a below-spec setup, though I'll give it good credit for running acceptably anyway) And while I paid more than I potentially could have--$50 for 256M--instant gratification's a nice thing. Now the PowerMac OS X machine's at a comfortable 256M and purring away.

Now all I have to do is get over how cheap it all was. I remember getting a 16K memory cartridge for my Atari 800 when I first got the thing and paying (significantly) more than $50 for it. Sixteen thousand times the memory (more or less) at less than a third the price. The mind does boggle at times.


hfb on 2001-11-21T18:52:24

I paid nearly $1k for 4 or 8MB of RAM for the SE/30 in 89 iirc...about the same for the HUGE 40MB hard drive that I thought would take years to fill :)


Elian on 2001-11-21T20:53:30

IIRC the RAM cost around $150 per 16K cartridge. (Though it was more than 20 years ago, so I may not be RC) I thought it was an awful lot of memory at the time, and I suppose it was--you could do quite a bit with 16K of RAM when writing in Atari BASIC. Or 6502 assembly. Now you're hard pressed to squeeze the dynamic library link info into 16K...