Bits and pieces

Elian on 2001-11-19T22:45:18

It's been too long since I scrawled in this thing. Too much stuff to do, too little time. In no particular order:

  • Survived the LL1 workshop. Much interesting stuff transpired. Dr. Dobb's Journal videotaped it, so there should be web video soonish.
  • Finally got OS X for the Power Machintosh I've got kicking around. Now to get Tinderbox set up so it can be a build platform for Parrot...
  • Parrot's coming along. We have real variable support now, albeit with little to actually do with it. (Yet)
  • Parrot has support for creating new interpreters from within itself and running code in those interpreters. Basically Perl 5's MULTIPLICITY from the ground up. Threads come next, so we can hopefully make all the Classic Thread Mistakes early and get 'em out of the way
  • Something or other else that I forget. Probably lots of other things.