And so it begins...

Dom2 on 2004-03-23T19:23:52

I've been signed up to the very lovely use.perl for quite some time, but never bothered writing much before, aside from the odd comment here and there. I've been blogging for some time at work, mostly as an aide-memoire (I'm the only person who reads it). Combined with commit mails, it's essential for filling in the timesheet. :-)

Anyway, I've recently decided to have a look at Relax NG as a project. I do lots of XML stuff at work and it seemed like an interesting tool to play with. The hope (and it is quite possibly a vain one given my track record) is to produce a validator in Perl. I am going to use the journal as a place to talk about how I go about this. Well, that's the idea anyway. Hopefully, talking about it in public will give me enough embarassement to actually get around to implementing it instead of getting sidetracked into some terribly interesting yak shaving, which is what usually happens to me. Of course, it's nice to have lots of Perl/XML luminaries around too.

More to follow soon...