Traits Paper Moved

DAxelrod on 2006-08-14T03:16:06

You know the Traits Paper everyone seems to be talking about? The URL a lot of them point to no longer contains the paper.

So, for future reference, the Traits Paper is actually

Nathanael Schärli, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz and Andrew Black, "Traits: Composable Units of Behavior", Proceedings ECOOP 2003 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming), LNCS, vol. 2743, Springer Verlag, July 2003, pp. 248-274.
and its URL is now

Chopping off part of the URL reveals the website of the Software Composition Group at the University of Berne, who seem to have written several more awesome papers.


duff on 2006-08-14T04:04:09

Oh no! Looks like there's another moose to pollute the idea-space in OOP-land. Stevan Little may have to fight for the "brand name".


sigzero on 2006-08-14T11:51:31

The plural of Moose is...Moose. : )


DAxelrod on 2006-08-15T14:07:10

Good thing we don't have to worry about multiple projects competing over the name Octopus. :)