No, wait! I come in peace!

DAxelrod on 2006-08-07T02:23:43

Let me make a few things clear about what I said in my previous entry.

What I'd like to do is step back, take a look at what we have, and try to figure out where to go from here. I'm not planning to start a new CPAN or anything.

I'm also not going to write a bunch of decrees about what I think other people should do. I'm hoping to be able to gain enough of an understanding of what the various projects around the CPAN infrastructure are so I can figure out how I can help. Another important part of this is that I'm not trying to piss people off. Shake up their assumptions a little, maybe, but not piss them off. That said, keep the criticism coming. Just please don't dismiss me outright based on what I've said so far.

If you like, the better way to see what I'm trying to do is that I'm doing research, forming some oppinions, and asking others whether these oppinions are crazy. Then I'll work from there.

And don't worry, I don't want to break backward compatibility. But I'm curious what the design possibilities might look like if we didn't take backward compatibility for granted.