Needing product name ideas. . .

CromeDome on 2004-09-20T18:26:07

So I'm writing Yet Another E-Commerce Application. . . while there are some out there that would likely do what I need, there's not the same satisfaction as there is rolling my own. The app is coming along, but I still am lacking a name for said project.

Sooooo. . . . we are selling light bulbs, lighting fixtures, and related accessories. The application, however, is not specific to these things. I'm looking for a suitable name for this project, with Valuable Bonus Points being awarded if the name has something to do with those items.

More seriously now. . . this project is being funded by a not-to-be-named (yet) company. I'm sure they won't let me pay someone for coming up with a name, but I can probably arrange purchase of a book or two for the winning suggestion, or gift certificate for a restaurant of choice, or something similar (they have been cool about picking up some expenses of these types for me to date).

If anyone has any ideas, please fire them my way :) I've been thinking for a while now and am drawing blanks. This type of creativity I do not possess :(

More info?

Mr. Muskrat on 2004-09-20T18:50:03

Does it have any features that make it stand out? Is there something about this project that might impact the name other than it's for selling light bulbs and lighting fixtures?

Re:More info?

CromeDome on 2004-09-20T19:01:17

Hmm. Not sure what I'm doing that some other creative webapp developer wouldn't have thought of already, but as far as things already done or planned:
  • Very flexible and easy-to-administer security scheme
  • Very configurable user interface
  • Easily plug-in code to talk to a credit card vendor (should just have to change what module is being used)
  • Administrators can easily define what types of items are being sold, what attributes belong to those items, and what categories they belong to.
  • Admins can easily create product specials and promotions. Can also easily link an item to it's related accessories and related competing products.
  • Lots and lots of reports!
  • Various forms of data export, suitable (hopefully) for several types of financial systems.
  • From the user end, easily create a profile with shipping and billing addresses, credit card info, etc., so users can buy items with one or two clicks.
  • Users can apply for accounts with monthly balances (typically what they do for larger business customers)
  • Users can easily produce a list of their transactions for a timeframe they specify.

Namely, we're going for flexibility, esp. on the admin end ;) I don't want to be recoding much when these people change their minds, which they do a lot ;-)


Re:More info?

Timbo on 2004-09-20T19:09:07

How about Trafique? First, sounds like "Traffic", which is a synonym for commerce or a bunch of hits. Secondly, it sounds "Unique".
You should make sure that it doesn't mean anything obscene in French, though.

Re:More info?

CromeDome on 2004-09-20T19:33:20

That being said, it could be kinda funny if it was obscene ;)

Re:More info?

Timbo on 2004-09-20T21:24:39

Guess it depends on what kind of commerce you want...

How 'bout TransAct?

Re:More info?

Mr. Muskrat on 2004-09-21T17:22:50

It sounds pretty cool. I'm drawing a blank though... Perhaps you could create an acronym that fits the industry.

RADIANCE = Really Awesome Dynamic Internet Application for New Commerce Electronic

Okay, this is a bad example but you get the idea.

My suggestion

djberg96 on 2004-09-20T19:27:22

Delight (as in de-light). Any technology that uses your backend would be considered "delighted". You could describe various state conditions as "delightful".

Re:My suggestion

CromeDome on 2004-09-20T19:34:49

Oooh, oooh! That's beautiful! *scribbles it furiously on his list :)*

Several ideas...

Mr. Muskrat on 2004-09-20T23:35:32

Gloriole (syn aura)

Coruscation - A flash of intellectual brilliancy

Scintillant - To be animated and brilliant

Aurorean Splendor

Enlightened Radiance