++$workload while --$days_to_vacation;

CromeDome on 2003-08-04T16:56:33

Has anyone else noticed or experienced this?

Staff meetings usually result in a load of stuff that I don't feel like doing. The amount of stuff seems to get extraordinarily larger the closer to vacation I get. My "short" list (err, the short list with all the menial tasks filtered out) of things to get done by the 15th:

- Set up the cool new demo machine - Update the company web page to reflect new business - Expand length of primary key field in our Vital Statistics app. Hope nothing breaks. - Write the tax calculation process for the Missouri version of our tax software - Finish spot-checking images and image indexes from the 1 million image conversion I just finished.

Delegation, I think, is the key to success ;)

This majorly interferes with my plans to further explore CGI::Application and CGI::Session. Grr. . . .