HTML::FillInForm rocks my world today. Saving me a LOT of addtional coding with HTML::Template.
Thanks grantm!
<TMPL_LOOP loop_foo>
<input type="radio" name="order_<TMPL_VAR id>" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="order_<TMPL_VAR id>" value="0">
I'm passing the template data to the FiF method as well, so my data structure looks like this in order for FiF to correctly set the radio group. This happens because it's not looking inside @loop_data for the default for order_xxx.
%data = (loop_foo=>\@loop_data, order_xxx=>1, order_yyy=>0,...);
If this doesn't make sense, I'll try to explain it better.
Re:one potential gotcha
CromeDome on 2003-07-15T19:23:51
I would like that. I think I see what you're getting at, but wouldn't mind the more in-depth explanation to make sure.