In search of more caffeine. . . .

CromeDome on 2003-07-13T18:45:05

Ever have one of those days where you had to get something done but were too sluggish to do so? I feel like a Mack truck ran over me and backed over me again for good measure. I could live with feeling like this had I been out last night and having fun, but alas I was not.

The coffee and cola are not helping. Need to find something more potent perhaps. Brewing coffee with Water Joe? Only as a last resort. . .

You need to move more...

WebDragon on 2003-07-14T18:10:38

get outside and do something that involves at least *some* intense physical labor, like doing the lawn, or whatever else the outside of your place needs. Plan to sweat a lot. Copious amounts. Then when you're done, come back in, shower, and nap.

When you awaken from said nap, you will feel a whole lot better, EVEN if you ache a little from the exercise.