That's what I like about non-broken installers. Class::Inspector comes with Module::Install 0.62, which is broken. The trick to still install it is as follows:
- Install Module::Install (0.64 at this time)
- Delete the inc/ directory in the Class-Inspector-1.62/ directory
- Run perl -w Makefile.PL once to bootstrap Module::Install
- Run perl -w Makefile.PL && make && make install to install the package.
Thanks to Audrey for making this so painless
A dumb question
ferreira on 2006-10-18T10:49:36
Why Module::Install cannot detect that the installed version is newer and then fallback to this, instead of insisting on the outdated (and possibly broken) version embedded in the distribution? Such feature would be able to remedy installations with broken installers with a simpler recipe like:
cpan> install Module::Install
cpan> install Dist::With::Broken::Installer
Re:A dumb question
Corion on 2006-10-18T12:02:53
Usually, Module::Install is not installed on the target Perl. That is the charm of the whole thing, as it circumvents that part of the problems that Module::Build has until it makes it into the Perl core.