Rakudo improves!

ChrisDolan on 2009-02-13T04:04:05

I haven't really been working on features for my Perl 6 PDF grammar very much, but I have been using it as a tool to follow improvements in the Rakudo implementation of Perl 6.

This week, I went through all of the PDF code and looked for comments I wrote for myself about workarounds for incomplete parts of Rakudo. The exciting news is that I was able to remove about half of my workarounds this week. Considering that most of the rest of the annoyances are features that are on the near-term roadmap (mainly, PGE refactoring), I consider this to be superb progress.

Bravo, Perl 6 developers!

I made a contribution of my own, too, which has made me absurdly happy out of proportion to the size of the patch. I implemented 'make' from S05. This builtin function is shorthand for the following:

 # Equivalent code:
 make $value;

This, along with other simplifications allowed me to shave about half of the lines of PDF::Grammar::Actions while improving readability. Yay!