Perk: an implementation of Java language on Parrot

ChrisDolan on 2009-01-15T03:40:42

I moved my Java parsing experiment from my own SVN to the Squawk project. Squawk is intended to Parrot-based languages that are too small or immature to live on their own.

I chose the name "Perk" for my implementation to avoid any risk of Java trademarks. It's short, it reminds you of caffeine, and it's only one letter away from Perl.

If this project doesn't wither on the vine (a very real possibility, I admit) then I hope it will be source code compatible with basic Java. I have no intention of any interoperability with Java bytecode or the Java VM.

The source code is easily browsable. If anyone is interested in participating, I welcome the company. There's no way I'm going to make more than a dent in this project by myself.

Added to the wiki

Bernhard on 2009-01-15T09:27:53

Cool, I have added the information about Perl to

Re:Added to the wiki

ChrisDolan on 2009-01-15T12:33:43

Hmm, I don't see it there...

Re:Added to the wiki

Bernhard on 2009-01-15T13:20:18

Should be there now. I must have forgotten to submit after previewing.

In case I haz spare tuits...

JonathanWorthington on 2009-01-16T00:22:26

...plz I can haz commit bit? ;-) I'm jnthnwrthngtn followed by the usual Google mail suffix.

Re:In case I haz spare tuits...

ChrisDolan on 2009-01-16T03:35:11

I am not imbued with those superpowers. You need to talk to Jerry Gay and/or Will Coleda.

Re:In case I haz spare tuits...

JonathanWorthington on 2009-01-17T20:18:00

They gave me a commit bit. I put in some stuff (changes in and to the actions. Up to you if you want to continue filling it out or just scrap it and start afresh - I may get snatches of time here and there but don't expect I'll have loads of time to give to this. But it creates class stubs now and stubs for void methods now...


stu42j on 2009-01-20T18:44:58

Nice job on the name! ;)