Padre on Mac install trick

ChrisDolan on 2008-11-28T20:43:07

I've been curious to peek at Padre, Gabor Szabo's new editor, but it's Test::NeedsDisplay prereq always failed for me with an obscure recommendation to install xvfb-run. It turns out all you really need is to run "wxPerl Makefile.PL" instead of "perl Makefile.PL". I added a note to that effect in the Makefile.PL (thanks to AdamK's open repository).

So, any Mac user who wants to try Padre can use this trick (I didn't actually test this exact technique since I got it installed via a much more convoluted trial-and-error process).

cpan install Wx
wxPerl -MCPAN -e install Padre

Now I'm off to report some bugs...