Perl6 PDF library, version

ChrisDolan on 2008-10-25T01:40:40

Yesterday I mentioned that I was experimenting with Perl6. Ovid followed up by suggesting that I open the source. OK:

It's an experiment to see if Perl6 grammars make PDF parsing easier than the Perl5 continued regexes (i.e. //cg) that I used in CAM::PDF. So far the answer is probably yes, but a few Rakudo limitations are slowing me down. Luckily I'm an optimist. :-)

I have gobs of disk and bandwidth, so if others want to use some of my SVN space, I'm willing to share. I'm thinking about moving my Perl5 work from my private repository to that public repository too, but I have to figure out the SVN slicing commands... again.