Science fiction code

ChrisDolan on 2007-11-29T06:01:01

I recently stumbled upon Helix, an interesting donation-supported science fiction webzine. It claims to be an outlet for professional fiction that's too controversial for ad-supported media. Most of it is short stories, but I was surprised to see it had sci-fi poetry too. One editorial points out that sci-fi used to be exclusively in magazines before it became mainstream. Now sci-fi is conveyed in short fiction, long fiction, video, RPG, LARP, etc, you name it.

It got me thinking: what styles of sci-fi expression haven't I seen? Well, how about code? I would be very interested in reading some fictional code that purported to do novel or surprising things. I feel that I should provide a brief example of what I mean, but I'm not a fiction writer so many apologies in advance...

perl -MLWP::Simple -MMatter::Slurp -e

Maybe this is just a stupid, late-night idea. But then again people do write code poetry!

future code

rjbs on 2007-11-29T12:26:50

Paraphrased from #perl:

<Engineer 1> Why is realigning the dilithium matrix so hard?
<Engineer 2> All the software for handling antimater physics models is lousy.  There are no good libraries for building that sort of software.  Even the Vulcans' warp software is crufty.
<Engineer 1> I hear it will be easier when Perl 6 comes out.