Cool hack: annotating compatibility in test suites

ChrisDolan on 2007-11-16T04:56:51

Here's a fun bit of code that I didn't really expect to work. It flags a test as TODO only if client code indicates that it's designed for an older version of a test suite.

Background: I'm working on Test::Virtual::Filesystem, which is a collection of generic tests that exercise a filesystem with typical actions like open, read, write, stat, unlink, mkdir, etc. Users of this code will run it in a .t file to ensure that their filesystem works. But what if I change Test::Virtual::Filesystem to add a new test that breaks some filesystem published on CPAN that used to work with the old version of the test suite?

To solve this, Test::Virtual::Filesystem is written like so (trimmed heavily for readability):

use Attribute::Handlers;
use Test::More;
use base 'Test::Class';

sub new { my ($pkg, $test_dir, $compatible_version) = @_; my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(); $self->{test_dir} = $test_dir; $self->{compatible} = $compatible_version; return $self; }

sub Introduced : ATTR(CODE) { my ($class, $symbol, $code_ref, $attr, $introduced_version) = @_; # Wrap the sub in a version test no warnings 'redefine'; *{$symbol} = sub { local $TODO = $_[0]->_compatible($introduced_version); $code_ref->(@_); }; } sub _compatible { my ($self, $introduced_version) = @_; return if !$self->{compatible}; return if $introduced_version le $self->{compatible}; return 'compatibility mode ' . $self->{compatible}; }

sub stat_dir : Test(2) : Introduced('0.02') { my ($self) = @_; ok(-e $self->{test_dir}, 'path exists'); ok(-d $self->{test_dir}, 'path is a dir'); }

So up-to-date client code does this:

Test::Virtual::Filesystem->new('.', '0.02')->runtests;
# yields:
# ok 1 - path exists
# ok 2 - path is a dir

while old client code does this:

Test::Virtual::Filesystem->new('.', '0.01')->runtests;
# yields:
# ok 1 - path exists # TODO compatibility mode 0.01
# ok 2 - path is a dir # TODO compatibility mode 0.01

Nice Job!

Ovid on 2007-11-16T09:56:34

This is a very interesting little hack. We did something similar at one job where we added a 'DB' attribute to our tests and our test database would only be built if said attribute was found. Nifty little speedup. I love seeing more cool stuff for my favorite testing module.

Re:Nice Job!

ChrisDolan on 2007-11-16T12:57:03

I added another one after writing that blog. The version headed to CPAN right now has a :Features('foo,bar') attribute to let clients turn on and off swaths of tests. For example, 'symlink' is one of the features, 'xattr' is another. If a feature is not enabled, I call skip on the method, and Test::Class offers a nice hook to fetch the number of tests to skip.