All proposed Perl::Critic policies done

ChrisDolan on 2007-10-19T00:57:14

I finished all of the Perl::Critic policies that I proposed for my Perl Foundation grant! I actually completed the work about three weeks ago, but I needed to fix some bugs in PPI to make my new policies work.

Adam Kennedy just released a shiny new PPI v1.200 which contains those bug fixes (and more), so we're clear to release a new Perl::Critic soon. I've received acknowledgment from the Perl Foundation that they consider my grant complete. Woohoo!

I'd especially like to thank Elliot Shank who has been administering the Perl::Critic SVN repository lately and managing the recent Perl::Critic releases. Elliot's energy and dedication to the project is inspiring!


On a related note, I presented an introduction to Perl::Critic at the WebGUI Users Conference here in Madison this morning. The slides are available for online viewing.