13 of 20 grant-funded Perl::Critic policies done

ChrisDolan on 2007-09-08T04:29:31

It's been a slow few weeks since my last post (vacation, teething), but I'm now making good progress on the remaining few policies in my grant-funded plan.

The first 8 policies I did under this grant were released in Perl::Critic 1.07, but we had some regressions unrelated to my policies which have (hopefully) all been fixed as of 1.076. So give them a try.

The policy that has generated the most talk so far has been Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking which says that you can only use @_ in the first lines of your subroutine, and only to populate lexical vars. If you use more complex patterns like Params::Validate, then this policy is not for you and you should consider deactivating it by putting "[-Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking]" in your perlcriticrc or putting "##no critic(Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking)" near the top of your .pm file.