
ChrisDolan on 2006-11-15T21:12:26

Jeff Thalhammer is trying to push Perl::Critic toward a 1.0 release. As a step in that process he made the wise choice of forbidding new policies to be added while we focus just on infrastructure and documentation.

To support that goal without stifling policy development, I created a new distribution called Perl::Critic::More. This is a collection of policies which, for a variety of reasons, do not belong in the core Perl-Critic distribution at this time. Some of them (like the eagerly anticipated ProhibitMagicNumbers policy of Elliot Shank) depend on PPI features which aren't on CPAN yet. Others (like RequireEmacsFileVariables) are too peripheral to code maintenance. Still others are insufficiently universal (like the not-yet-implemented RequireASCII policy).

If you have a policy that you would like implemented, but which may be too niche for core Perl::Critic, drop us a note via RT or send in a patch!