More Git gadgets

BooK on 2009-12-03T08:55:03

Last week on p5p, after noticing that the new way to name version tags in perl5.git was to use v$version, I proposed to copy the old perl-$version tags to the new scheme, going back at least to 5.6.0 (which is when the Perl naming convention for version changed). I haven't done it yet for various reasons, but in order to do it, I developped a small git-copytag tool, that copies (or moves) the tag with all its annotations. Clone it from

I also started to check if the existing tags in perl5.git point to the commit matching the published distribution, but my first attempt failed miserably (creating Git tree objects from the distributions and trying to find a commit pointing to the same tree id). I'll move on to a different approach (diff -r, basically).

In other news, I finally succeeded in creating the Git fractals I wanted. I'll soon post more details about it on the page dedicated to Sierpiński triangles on my personal site.