Hackathon war story

BooK on 2007-03-03T20:22:59

So, there I am, on Friday night, sitting next to Luis, trying to install Act on my laptop. Starting from scratch, by compiling my Perl, my mod_perl and Apache.

$ cd ~/src/perl-5.8.8
$ sh Configure -Dprefix=~/local -des
$ make && make test && make install
$ ls ~/local/

Nothing? Mmm...

$ cd ~/src/perl-5.8.8
$ ls \~
bin  lib  man

Oh. Stupid me, Configure didn't expand the ~ like I thought it would. Well, let's get rid of this.

$ rm -rf ~

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asks Luis... OH CRAP.

So every participant of the hackathon is making fun of me, now. Well, you can't always choose the reason why people will remember you. ;-)

and the next day...

kudra on 2007-03-03T20:57:04

BooK followed up this success by typing !svn and getting revert instead of diff. Encore!


rafael on 2007-03-04T09:32:46

Configure won't expand any tilde: that's the shell job...

[rafael@localhost ~]$ echo foo=~bar foo=~bar

I just did that

Qiang on 2007-03-05T17:59:53

just did something similar few weeks ago. ;-) luckily it was monday and i got everything back from friday snapshot.

always backup your stuff...