This week-end (aka stencil) was set up. This is a small machine (P120, not much RAM) dedicated to the CVS repositories for the various sites of Les Mongueurs de Perl. The web sites for www, paris, and lyon (RSN) will be editable there by authorised people (and automatically mirrored to their counterparts). We use the Template Toolkit, too!
Our goal is also to provide CVS and shell (ssh) access to Perl developpers for Perl projects in France. For the moment, we only have Log::Procmail, Games::Golf and yet another cvsweb implementation.
If you have a Perl project you want to share, and you are in a French Perl Monger group, or in France, or anything vaguely similar, drop us a line! Same goes if you want to create a group in France, and want your web server to be closer (network-wise) to the French ISPs.