Acme::MetaSyntactic: we're halfway through!

BooK on 2005-11-28T13:07:07

This morning I released Acme::MetaSyntactic 0.50. I decided to put out what is probably going to be the biggest theme ever, and also the first theme whose items are computed directly by Perl itself (and therefore depend on the version of Perl running it).

Let me introduce this week's theme, Acme::MetaSyntactic::unicode, which has 16327 items in Perl 5.8.7, 15076 in Perl 5.9.2 and 10538 in Perl 5.6.1. None of them in Acme::MetaSyntactic's source code.

I actually postponed Acme::MetaSyntactic::pauseid to a later date, in favor of AMS::unicode, so that I do not have to update the theme every week with 10 or more id... (You know, lazyness and all.)

Thanks to Abigail, I've got enough themes to continue at least until 0.80, so I'm now quite confident that I'll reach version 1.00 without difficulties. The only problem being that I intend to have 100 themes in 1.00, and I already have 56 in version 0.50...

Anyway, there are only a handful of slots left, so if you want to grab half a minute (or less) of fame, just send me your theme proposals. Lists and code for automatic update appreciated (see Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList and Acme::MetaSyntactic::dilbert for an example).