CPANTS: the numbers mean nothing, but I had to brag...

BooK on 2005-10-03T08:14:23

Slosh!!! I'm first at the CPANTS game with a whooping 17.375!! And I owe it all to Acme::MetaSyntactic! (well, also to HTTP::Proxy and Regexp::Log, but I like to think all my hard work with stupid stuff paid off after all...)

The 18th point is the hardest to get (the module must be a prerequisite for a module by another author), and it also means that if I upload a new module (with a score of 17), my total score will (gasp!) drop to 17.3333333333333 and I'll be first ex-aequo with KIMRYAN.

So it's probably the end of my CPAN career... ;-)

OK, these numbers do not mean much anyway; but I'm still first, niah niah niah... (who knows how long it'll last anyway? I should profit while I can...)