On Saturday night, I subscribed to p5p (from yet another email address --so that I don't get my webmail account overflowed). I've been wanting to do this for a while, but never managed to. A few months ago, I subscribed to p5p-digest and p6p-digest, but never managed to configure fetchmail to download the (not so frequent) emails.
50 mails in two days, of which I do not understand much (this is an understatement)... At least I can browse past the patches fairly quickly. ;-) Now, I just have to read the 4 apocalypses toroughly, subscribe to perl6-all... I suppose I don't need that much sleep!
There's a neat way to browse p5p and most of other perl-related mailing lists: newsgroups!
Thanks to ask, you can point you favorite newsreader to nntp.perl.org and have all these mailing lists available. And no mailbox flooding
And there's even a web interface to it.