I feel kind of bad about this, but...
Before the auction, I went to cog and ambs and told them they could (if they wanted) do something as stupid as I did in 2002, when I auctionned the organiser's T-shirt colour for YAPC::Europe in Paris. As you may recall, pink won.
So, at the end of the auction, they actually did auction the orga's T-shirt colour. I first bid on "pink", but then I thought "pink is us", so I needed to change to something else, quickly. I went for the first stupid thing that came to mind (after asking mirod what was the English word for it)... fishnet.
The madman known as kane went totally for it and assembled a real team for fishnet. So the world was once again divided in two, with orange as the fishnet nemesis (even though at some point the possibility of an orange fishnet T-shirt was mentioned).
In the end, both teams had so much trouble counting their total bid money that Marty went for a closed auction. The results were (these figures may not be accurate) 525 GBP for orange and 548 GBP for fishnet.
Right now, I feel a little sorry that I didn't bid for something saner like fluorescent green or blue hair dye (as suggested by Maddingue).
I wonder what kind of crazy thing will happen at next year's auction... (And I'm scared that body modification may be the winner in 2009.)