The first French Perl Workshop is over

BooK on 2004-06-08T16:59:20

It's been a busy week, and an even busier week-end, but I think we can be satisfied by the results:

  • the venue was great
  • about 60 people came (out of 100 registered)
  • the talks were good, interesting and about a variety of topics
  • we had two pumpkings
  • there was an unplanned lightning talk session
  • the raffle/auction was a success (considering French people are not used to this kind of things, it's a big success)

Even though:

  • we were late all the time
  • the coffee breaks were low-budget
  • my slides weren't ready (at all): don't talk when you organise!

We really need to do another one next year!

slides not ready

nicholas on 2004-06-08T20:34:01

  • my slides weren't ready (at all): don't talk when you organise!

I think that Thomas had the same problem at the Austrian Perl Workshop

Then again, who am I to talk, given that I finished my slides in Vienna on the metro on the way in, and in Paris I was still creating slides when Rafael's talk ended. Although it didn't help that I suddenly thought Oooh, Phalanx! and made a slide about that.

Which reminds me, if anyone would like to help make perl better, Phalanx would welcome volunteers. You don't have to be the world's greatest perl programmer, you just have to donate some more regression tests to the CPAN modules you use already. Contact if you want to join in the fun.