YAPC::Europe in Paris (ir)?regular newsletter, issue 9

BooK on 2003-08-05T18:41:42


The conference is now over. As it happens every year, the organisers are happy, exhausted, and swear it will be a while before they are ready to suffer through the organisation of such an event. :-)

In the various conversations we had on Friday night and Saturday, and from what I read in some mailing-lists, some of you were kind enough to thank us for the efforts made and the organisation as a whole. If only half of those are meant and true, we can feel rewarded for our labours and be glad they were successful to some extent. If so, we do want to say that a conference is made by organisers but also by its speakers and attendees. It could not have been what it was without each and every one of you. Thanks a lot for coming to Paris, we hope you had as much fun as we did during those three days.

We had a few shortcomings, though: the schedule changed several times, and updating the online schedule was not enough. Also, we had to cut off the network (which already did show some signs of premature fatigue during the conference) earlier on Friday, because the person in charge of it for the CNAM had to leave early.

The number of attendees was roughly the same as the previous YAPC::Europe, between 200 and 250. We should be able to update the site with the badges photos during the next few weeks.

The receipts are available on the web site, there is a link on your private page if you paid (if you paid in cash or cheque, the web site might not be up to date). If you have trouble with your password, or if you do not find the link to the PDF receipt, please complain to yapc-help@mongueurs.net (do not email me, I'm on holidays and posting this from a cybercafe in Dublin).

P.S.: If ever I write a tenth newsletter, it'll be in Esperanto. :-)

Thanks ..

barbie on 2003-08-06T08:51:39

.. for everyones efforts. I thought the whole shebang went rather smoothly. I reckon you can expect timetable hiccups, as every YAPC::Europe has had to make last minute changes. I never heard anyone complain about it anyway. The only fustration for most was the bandwidth. But then that was out of your control anyway. And anyway, perhaps network access is taken too much for granted. At YAPC::Europe::2000 in London the network access was extremely limited and no wireless access.

The point of the conference is to learn stuff, meet new people and have a great time. I think everyone did all of those, so you can mark this year down as another success.

Thanks again.