YAPC::Europe in Paris (ir)?regular newsletter, issue 8

BooK on 2003-07-13T20:54:15


The conference is now in less than two weeks time. We have a rough estimate of how many of you are coming (about 190). We now need to count more precisely; that's why you really should purchase your ticket now if you plan to come. It will really help us, you know. :-)

T-shirts are being printed as I type this, the final count is 260. We apologize in advance to the 261st attendee; you won't have a T-shirt.

All speakers should finalise their proceedings (in POD) as soon as possible and send them to yapc-papers@mongueurs.net.

We have finally (and regretfully) decided not to provide printed proceedings, due to time and especially budget constraints. We will of course provide proceedings in PDF, at least a few days before the conference, so that most of you will be able to download them. They'll also be available in HTML from the web site. We wish it could have been otherwise, but we simply don't have the money. And time is running short.

Onto a happier note, net access. The wifi access is being worked on, and the first tests are quite positive. Remember to pack your wireless gear. We will also have old-fashioned access with wires and stuff, so bring long RJ-45 cables if you need to be tethered to a switch.