We first would like to thank the 96 people who have already purchased their ticket to the conference. With the speakers, we attain a total of 145 committed users.
We would also like to thank all the authors of talk proposals and apologize for the long acceptation delay. We received 13 tutorials, 16 lightnings talks and 57 other talks.
Most talks will go in their shorter length if two durations where proposed. All lightning talks will go because we allocate an hour and a half for them. We can't accept lightning talks anymore. Now for tutorials, the choice was difficult.
We have selected the talks. Most have been accepted. The exceptions were tutorials where competition was fierce.
We have 7 tutorials, the first 6 of which happening on the first day (tutorial day) of the conference:
MJD will run by himself his own session of twelve lightning talks that were very well received at YAPC::Israel.
You can have a look at the list of accepted talks, and their abstracts, at the following address:
Don't forget to purchase your ticket, and make sure you've given us your correct T-shirt size.
See you in a month.